Crimini Mushrooms as a super food

Crimini mushrooms are a tasty way of loading up on vitamins B2. Vitamin B2 plays an integral role in normal thyroid function and metabolism, which is vital for those with PCOS, as those with the disorder also tend to have a thyroid that doesn’t produce sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in sufficient quantities (Reference: Getting sufficient Vitamin B2 allows androgen and testosterone to be better restrained, preventing them from causing a whole host of undesired symptoms from thinning scalp hair to acne.

Recipes containing Crimini Mushrooms

Foil-Pack Mushrooms (Lunch)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

Mushroom and Burgundy Stew (Lunch)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

Sausage-Rice Skillet Casserole (Dinner)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

French Onion Soup Stuffed Mushrooms (Lunch)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

Baked Vegetable Risotto (Lunch)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

Edamame and Sauteed Vegetable Soup (Lunch)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

The Waverly Inn Chicken Pot Pie (Lunch)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

Bacon and Cheddar Stuffed Mushrooms (Lunch)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0


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