Lunch: Strawberry Milkshake Pie

Recipe by Candace Braun Davison Now you can have your shake and eat it, too.


1 1/3 c. water
1 packet strawberry Jello mix
1 container cool whip
1/2 c. sliced strawberries
1 premade graham cracker crust
whipped cream


Boil 2/3 cup water. Once bubbling, pour in Jello mix, stirring until dissolved. Remove from heat, and stir in remaining 2/3 cup water (the water should be cool). Stir for about two minutes.
Mix in Cool Whip, stirring just until combined. Fold in sliced strawberries and pour into graham cracker crust. Refrigerate for four hours, or until stiff.
Top with whipped cream just before serving.


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