Lunch: Peppermint Bark Trees Recipe | Myrecipes


1 cup lightly crushed starlight peppermints or candy canes
1 14-oz. bag white chocolate candy melts, melted
1 1/2 cups dark cocoa candy melts, melted


Sprinkle about 1 Tbsp. crushed peppermint candies in bottom of 18 mini tree-shaped silicone ice cube molds.
Spoon white candy melts into a ziplock bag; seal bag. Snip a small corner off bag. Pipe enough candy to cover mints by about 1/2 inch. Tap pan on countertop to smooth melted white candy. Refrigerate until candy is just set, about 5 minutes.
Spoon dark cocoa candy melts into another ziplock bag; seal bag. Snip a small corner off bag. Pipe a thin layer of dark cocoa candy melts on top of white candy melts. Tap tray on countertop to smooth. Refrigerate until firm, about 15 minutes.
Remove candies from tray. Wrap in cellophane and tie with a bow, or package in a gift box. Or, use mini pails, pictured, left (58 ¢ each; blissweddingsmarket. com).


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