Snack: Mexican Layer Dip


1 can Refried Beans
Tabasco Sauce, To Taste
1 can Diced Green Chilies
Ground Cumin, to taste
3/4 cups Grated Sharp Cheddar Cheese
1 cup Sour Cream
1 cup Guacamole
3/4 cups Monterey Jack Cheese
1 can Black Olives
1 cup Pico De Gallo


Begin by throwing the refried beans into a small pan over medium-low heat. Add several dashes of Tabasco sauce and a small can of (undrained) diced green chilies. Stir well. Next, sprinkle a little bit of ground Cumin.
Spread the beans on the bottom of a glass bowl or high-sided dish. Over this sprinkle the sharp cheddar. Next, plop your sour cream. And spread it into a single layer, being careful not to disturb the cheese underneath.
The next layer is the guacamole. Spread it over the sour cream. Follow this with a layer of Monterey Jack Cheese and a nice sprinkling of chopped black olives.
Lastly, place a generous layer of Pico de Gallo. You can also, if you have the gumption for it, sprinkle some diced jalapenos over top.


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