Lunch: Bacon-Caramelized Onion Gravy

Recipe by Lindsay Funston If your gravy doesn't have bacon in it, don't bother.


8 slices bacon
1 large onion, thinly sliced
1 tbsp. fresh thyme leaves, chopped
kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1/4 c. all-purpose flour
2 c. low-sodium chicken broth


In a large skillet over medium heat, cook bacon until crisp, 8 minutes. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate; crumble once cool. Reserve fat in skillet. Add onions and cook, stirring occassionally, until deeply golden and caramelized, 15 minutes.
Add all but 1 tsp. crumbled bacon, thyme, and season with salt and pepper.
Add flour and stir until golden, about 3 minutes. Add broth and bring to simmer. Cook, whisking often, until thick, about 10 minutes.
Serve in a gravy boat garnished with remaining crumbled bacon.


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