Dinner: Ember-Grilled Steak with Bay Leaf Browned Butter

Chefs everywhere know it: Fire is where the magic happens.


1 (2-pound) bone-in rib-eye steak (1 1/2 –2 inches thick)
Kosher salt
1 bunch carrots, scrubbed, patted dry
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter
1/4 cup bay leaves (from one 1/4-ounce jar)
Flaky sea salt


Generously season steak with kosher salt and sprinkle both sides with a little sugar. Place on a wire rack set inside a rimmed baking sheet; chill, uncovered, overnight.
Let steak sit 1 hour to come to room temperature before cooking.
Prepare a medium-hot fire, ideally without the grate in the fireplace. Keep at least a few logs burning at all times, replenishing as needed, until there is a large base of glowing red coals under the fire, 1 1/2 –2 hours.
Meanwhile, toss carrots with oil in a large cast-iron skillet; season with kosher salt. Set skillet on hearth a few inches in front of any coals or burning logs. You want carrots to cook slowly; you will know they are cooking properly if they feel hot to the touch within 10 –15 minutes. You may need to angle carrots toward heat by propping handle of skillet on a brick or overturned pan. Roast, tossing occasionally and adjusting skillet as needed to maintain even cooking, until brown and crisp-tender, 45 –60 minutes.
Place a wire rack or a couple of stacked bricks about 6 inches in front of logs. The goal here is strong indirect heat. Cook butter and bay leaves in a small heavy saucepan or skillet (cast iron is ideal) on rack, swirling occasionally, until butter is browned and bay leaves are just browned around edges, 30 –45 minutes. Season with salt and keep warm.
Push logs to the back or side of fireplace, exposing an area of glowing red coals about 1 foot in diameter, or use a fireplace shovel to rake the hottest coals forward if needed to avoid grate. Flatten coals into an even layer. Place steak directly on coals and cook, undisturbed, until underside is well browned, about 5 minutes. Rake fresh coals next to steak, and turn steak onto new coals. Knock off any coals or ash clinging to cooked side of steak. Cook until other side is well browned, about 5 minutes.
Now the steak needs to cook through gently. Transfer to a wire rack; brush off any clinging coals and ash. Prop up rack on 2 bricks or an overturned pan so that it’s elevated above coals. It should be in a spot warm enough to hold your hand 3 seconds but not longer. Place carrots underneath to catch drippings; cook steak to desired doneness, 14 –18 minutes for medium-rare (an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part should register 120 °F). Transfer rack with steak to a rimmed baking sheet; let rest 20 minutes before slicing.
Remove bay leaves from butter. Serve steak and carrots drizzled with bay butter and sprinkled with sea salt.


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