Dessert: Red Velvet Cake Martini

Sip caked on decadence with this luxurious frosting-rimmed bevvie.


Whipped cream cheese frosting (from 12-oz container)
Red sugar
2 teaspoons chocolate-flavor syrup
Crushed ice
1/4 cup cake-flavored vodka
1/4 cup crème de cacao
6 tablespoons buttermilk
1 to 2 drops red food color


Dip rims of 2 martini glasses in frosting, then dip in red sugar. Drizzle 1 teaspoon chocolate syrup in bottom of each glass. Refrigerate.
Fill cocktail shaker halfway with ice. Add vodka, crème de cacao, buttermilk and food color. Cover; shake vigorously until well mixed. Strain mixture into chilled glasses.


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