Lunch: Grilled Cheddar and Bacon on Raisin Bread

Can be prepared in 45 minutes or less.


3 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
8 slices raisin bread
1/2 pound thinly sliced extra-sharp Cheddar cheese (use a cheese plane if possible)
8 slices bacon, cooked until crisp and drained on paper towels


On a large sheet of wax paper butter one side of each bread slice and turn slices over. Arrange Cheddar on unbuttered sides of bread, covering bread evenly, and top 4 cheese-lined slices with bacon. Flip remaining cheese-topped bread onto bacon.
Heat a non-stick skillet over moderate heat until hot and cook sandwiches in batches, pressing lightly with a metal spatula, until undersides are golden, about 1 minute. Turn sandwiches over and cook, pressing again, until undersides are golden and cheese is melted, about 1 minute.


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