Lunch: Salad Composé

Literally meaning "composed salad," the ingredients in this dish are layered on top of each other, rather than being tossed together, and the dressing is drizzled over the top.


1 small French bread stick
2 clove garlic
1/4 c. olive oil
6 strip thin-sliced bacon
5 oz. mesclun
6 medium plum tomatoes
4 hard-boiled eggs


Preheat broiler. Combine garlic and oil.
Cut bread into 1/2-inch slices. Brush both sides with combined garlic oil; toast under preheated broiler.
Cook bacon in large frying pan until crisp; drain on absorbent paper.
Meanwhile, place ingredients for red wine vinaigrette in screw-top jar; shake well.
Layer bread and bacon in large bowl with mesclun and tomato, top with egg; drizzle with vinaigrette.


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