Lunch: Dulce de Leche Ice Cream Pie


2 pt. light dulce de leche ice cream
1 ready-to-use graham-cracker piecrust
1/2 c. Butterscotch Sauce
1 3/4 lb. ripe peaches
1/4 c. pistachios


Remove ice cream from freezer; let stand about 10 minutes to soften slightly. Spread ice cream evenly into crust. Cover pie and freeze until firm, 4 hours or up to 2 weeks.
To serve, remove pie from freezer and let stand 10 minutes for easier cutting. Spoon our Butterscotch Sauce into serving bowl. Chop 1 peach; stir into sauce. Cut remaining peaches into 1/4-inch wedges and arrange on top of pie; sprinkle with nuts. With hot knife, slice pie. Serve with Butterscotch Sauce.


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