Lunch: Roasted Rosemary Root Vegetables


1-1/4 pound Red-skinned Potatoes, Cut Into 1-inch Pieces
3/4 pounds Rutabaga, Peeled And Cut Into 1-inch Pieces
3/4 pounds Sweet Potato, Peeled And Cut Into 1-inch Pieces
3 Carrots, Peeled And Cut Into 1-inch Pieces
1 pound Beets, Peeled And Cut Into 1-inch Pieces
4 Tablespoons Olive Oil, Divided
3/4 teaspoons Salt, Divided
3/4 teaspoons Ground Pepper, Divided
2 Tablespoons Chopped Fresh Rosemary, Divided


Preheat oven to 425 ºF, with oven rack placed in the bottom two positions. Lightly coat two baking sheets with cooking spray.
In a large bowl, stir together red-skinned potatoes, rutabaga, sweet potato and carrots. Place beets in a medium bowl.
Drizzle 3 tablespoons of olive oil over the large bowl of vegetables, season with 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon pepper and 1 1/2 tablespoon rosemary, and stir to combine. Drizzle remaining 1 tablespoon of olive over the beets, season with remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper and 1/2 tablespoon rosemary, and stir to combine.
Divide all of the vegetables evenly between the two prepared baking sheets. Roast for 20 minutes, then gently stir the vegetables and rotate the baking sheets from rack to rack, and front to back. Roast until the vegetables are tender when pierced with a fork and golden brown in some spots, an additional 20 –25 minutes.
Note: To make ahead, roast the vegetables up to 3 hours ahead of time. Let rest on the baking sheets at room temperature, then heat in a 425 ºF oven for 15 –20 minutes before serving.


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