Dessert: No-Bake Berry-Orange Cheesecake Pie

Finally, an easy cheesecake that doesn't require an oven or springform pan! This simple no-bake recipe features a pecan shortbread–cookie crust and traditional sweet filling topped with orange marmalade and fresh fruit.


20 can shortbread cookies
2 tbsp. butter


Coat a 9-in. pie plate with nonstick spray.
Make Crust: Process cookies in food processor until fine crumbs form. Add butter; process until crumbs are moistened. (Or finely crush cookies in a sturdy plastic food bag with a rolling pin. Add butter; knead to mix.) Press over bottom and up sides of pie plate. Freeze 15 minutes until firm. Wash and dry processor.
Make Filling: Process cream cheese, sugar, orange zest and 1 cup orange juice in food processor until smooth, scraping bowl as needed. Leave in processor.


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