Lunch: Classic Tenderloin of Beef with Butter Croutons

Simple and sophisticated, this Classic Tenderloin of Beef with Butter Croutons is served with just a dollop of horseradish sauce to complement, rather than cover up, the rich flavor of the pan-seared beef. Using an instant read thermometer will help cook


1 c. sour cream
1/2 c. hot prepared horseradish
3 tbsp. butter
3 tbsp. canola oil
1 loaf sourdough bread
6 filet mignon steaks
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. ground black pepper


Stir the sour cream and horseradish together in a small bowl; cover and keep chilled.
Melt the butter and oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the bread slices and toast on one side only until golden brown. Remove and place the bread, toasted side down, on a paper towel-lined plate.


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