Dessert: Neapolitan Chocolate Crispy Rice Treats Recipe | MyRecipes

Recipe by Robin Bashinsky This recipes makes 3 cups of each flavor of frosting, if that ends up being more than you need to Neapolitan a few boxes of crispy marshmallow squares, you can save the leftover icings for dipping other store-bought baked goods


Chocolate Crispy Rice Treats
3, 8-pack boxes chocolate crispy marshmallow squares (such as Rice Krispies), unwrapped
Strawberry Icing
4 cups (about 16 oz.) powdered sugar
1/4 cup seedless strawberry jam
3 tablespoons meringue powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste
6-7 tablespoons hot water, plus more for warming spatula
Vanilla Icing
4 cups (about 16 oz.) powdered sugar
3 tablespoons meringue powder
1 teaspoons vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste
7-8 tablespoons hot water, plus more for warming spatula


To prepare strawberry icing, place powdered sugar, jam, meringue powder, and vanilla in bowl of a heavy-duty stand mixer. With mixer running on medium speed, gradually add 6 tablespoons of the water. Beat until well combined, about 3 minutes, stopping to scrape sides as necessary. If necessary, add up to 1 more tablespoon water, and beat until desired consistency is reached. Set aside.
To prepare vanilla icing, place powdered sugar, meringue powder, and vanilla in bowl of a heavy-duty stand mixer. With mixer running on medium speed, gradually add 7 tablespoons of the water. Beat until well combined, about 3 minutes, stopping to scrape sides as necessary. If necessary, add up to 1 more tablespoon water, and beat until desired consistency is reached.
To assemble, place an offset spatula in hot water for 3 to 5 seconds. Dip right edge of 1 chocolate crispy marshmallow square (about 1/3 of treat) into vanilla icing, and smooth edges using warm offset spatula; wipe spatula clean. Dip left edge of the square (about 1/3 of treat) into strawberry frosting and smooth edges with offset spatula; wipe spatula clean. Transfer to a wire wrack. Repeat procedure with remaining treats. Let sit at room temperature until icing is set, about 30 minutes.


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