Lunch: Easy Egg Drop Soup

Recipe by Ava This is great on a dreary day, or when your feeling a little under the weather


1 (49.5 fluid ounce) can chicken broth
1 bunch chopped green onions
1/4 teaspoon white sugar
2 tablespoons soy sauce
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1/3 cup cold water
3 eggs
2 tablespoons cold water


Heat chicken broth and green onions in a large pot over medium-high heat. Mix sugar, soy sauce, cornstarch, and 1/3 cup of cold water in a bowl until smooth. Reduce heat and stir soy sauce mixture in to the broth. Boil soup on high for 1 minute, then reduce heat to medium-low.
Beat 3 eggs with 2 tablespoons of cold water. Using a fork, stir egg mixture in to soup and cook until eggs are opaque, about 2 minutes.


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