Dessert: Striped Ice Cream Cake

Before layering the ice cream and sorbets, beat them (separately) with a mixer until softened. They'll be easier to spread.


1 c. blueberry jam
2 pt. vanilla ice cream
2 pt. raspberry sorbet
1 pt. peach sorbet
Angel Food Sheet Cake


Line a 9-by-13-inch baking dish with plastic wrap. Place half the baked angel food cake in bottom of dish. Spread jam over top. Spread ice cream over jam. Freeze until firm, about 1 hour.
Spread raspberry sorbet over ice cream layer. Freeze until firm, about 2 hours. Spread peach sorbet over raspberry layer; top with remaining angel food cake. Wrap in plastic wrap; freeze overnight.
Remove plastic from top of cake, and turn out cake onto a cutting board; unwrap, and trim edges. Slice cake, and serve immediately. Looking for more dessert ideas? Check out our homemade chocolate chip cookie recipes, apple pie recipes, and chocolate cake recipes.


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