Breakfast: Macadamia & Coconut Keto Custard


1 Cup Unsweetened Organic Coconut Milk
4 Large Eggs
1/3 Cup Heavy Cream
1/3 Cup Macadamia Nut Butter
1/3 Cup Erythritol
1 tsp. Liquid Stevia
1 tsp. Vanilla Extract


1. Preheat your oven to 325F.
2. In a medium sized mixing bowl, add your coconut milk and heavy cream.
3. Add your vanilla extract.
4. Add your 4 eggs and start to whisk together. Make sure you do this SLOWLY, you don’t want to aerate the eggs at all – just mix the ingredients.
5. Add your sweeteners and macadamia nut butter.
6. Continue to stir until everything is combined and mixed evenly.
7. Fill a small baking pan with about 1 inch of water.
8. Place your ramekins in the baking pan, making sure that they are covered by about 1 inch of water.
9. Fill your ramekins with the custard mixture.
10. Put them in the oven and bake them for about 40 minutes, or until a knife comes out clean.
11. Once they’re done, let them cool for about 25 minutes, while sitting in the water.
12. Remove the ramekins from the water and let them dry.
13. Serve! You can refrigerate these with plastic wrap covering the top.


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