Lunch: Homemade Frappuccino


12 ounces, fluid Very Strong Brewed Coffee Or Espresso, Chilled
8 ounces, fluid Whole Milk (more To Taste)
1/3 cup Sweetened, Condensed Milk
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1/4 cup Chocolate Syrup
1/2 cup Semi-sweet Chocolate Chips (more If Desired!)
Whipped Cream
1/4 cup Half-and-half (optional)


To make Vanilla Frappuccino: Add coffee, milk, sweetened condensed milk, and vanilla to a blender. Top off blender with ice and blend until smooth and icy. (Add half-and-half if you'd like it to be a little richer and creamier.) Serve in a glass with whipped cream on top.
To make Mocha Frappuccino: Add coffee, milk, sweetened condensed milk, vanilla, and chocolate syrup to a blender. Top off blender with ice and blend until smooth and icy. (Add half-and-half if you'd like it to be a little richer and creamier.) Serve in a glass with whipped cream on top.
To make a Mocha Chip Frappucchino: Add coffee, milk, sweetened condensed milk, vanilla, chocolate syrup, and chocolate chips to a blender. Top off blender with ice and blend until smooth and icy, with tiny chocolate bits throughout. (Add half-and-half if you'd like it to be a little richer and creamier.) Serve in a glass with whipped cream on top, and drizzle the whipped cream with chocolate syrup or dot with more chocolate chips.


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