Lunch: Calgary Blue Cheese Burgers


2 tablespoons Irvine Spices Calgary Steak Seasoning
2 tablespoons, red onion finely minced
2 pounds fine ground sirloin
1/2 pound blue cheese, crumbled
11/2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper


Heat your grill. In a mixing bowl combine steak seasoning and onion and stir in beef, mixing well. Form 8 (4-ounce) patties, and place 2 ounces of blue cheese on top of each of 4 patties, then top with the remaining 4 patties, sealing the edges. Season each side of each patty with salt and pepper. Grill both sides, being careful not to break the burgers. Cook until medium and serve with your favorite rolls.


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