Lunch: BBQ Brisket with Cider Slaw


2 lb. fresh beef brisket
1 c. barbecue sauce
1 bag coleslaw mix
3/4 c. reduced-fat sour cream
2 tbsp. cider vinegar


In 4 1/2- to 6-quart slow-cooker bowl, place brisket and top with barbecue sauce; turn brisket to coat both sides. Cover slow cooker with lid and cook as manufacturer directs on low setting 10 hours or on high setting 5 hours.
Meanwhile, in large bowl, combine coleslaw mix, sour cream, vinegar, and 1/4 teaspoon salt; stir until combined; cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. Makes 5 1/2 cups slaw.
With tongs, transfer brisket to large bowl. With 2 forks, shred brisket with the grain of the meat into fine strips. Skim and discard fat from cooking liquid. Stir cooking liquid into brisket mixture; serve with slaw.


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