Lunch: Scrambled Eggs with Leeks, Fava Beans, Crispy Breadcrumbs, and Parmesan

Recipe by Gayle Pirie and John Clark Crème fraîche or sour cream gives the scrambled eggs a rich, creamy texture. Toasted breadcrumbs and a grating of cheese are delicious finishing touches.


1 1/2 cups coarsely torn French bread
3 tablespoons olive oil
Fine sea salt


Preheat oven to 400 °F. Place bread in medium bowl. Drizzle oil over, tossing to coat. Scatter bread pieces on small rimmed baking sheet. Sprinkle lightly with sea salt. Bake until bread is golden brown, stirring often, 10 to 12 minutes. Cool on sheet. DO AHEAD: Can be made 2 hours ahead. Let stand at room temperature. Rewarm 3 minutes in 350 °F oven before using.


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