Breakfast: Breakfast Club Recipe | MyRecipes


2 teaspoons mayonnaise
3 toasted slices English muffin bread (4 in. square)
3 large eggs
1 butter lettuce leaf
1 thick slice firm-ripe tomato
2 slices crisp-cooked bacon


Spread about 2 teaspoons mayonnaise on 1 side of each of 3 toasted slices English muffin bread (4 in. square). Set 1 slice, mayonnaise side up, on a plate. Top with 2 soft-scrambled large eggs or 1 large egg fried sunny side up; sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper. Top with another slice of toast (mayonnaise side up), 1 butter lettuce leaf (optional), 1 thick slice firm-ripe tomato, 2 slices crisp-cooked bacon, and remaining toast (mayonnaise side down). Secure layers with toothpicks and cut sandwich into halves or quarters.
Nutritional analysis per sandwich.


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