Dinner: Fettuccini Alfredo Sauce

A creamy low carb sauce that changes depending on the meat used.


8 oz cream cheese
1 cup parmesan cheese
1 stick butter
2 cloves garlic
1/4 cup fluid cream


1. Melt butter and block of cream cheese in sauce pan.

2. Stir with whisk until melted add cream (amount determined by preferred thickness).

3. Add garlic, put as much as you like in it.

4. Add parmesan cheese to thicken.

5. Boil a low carb pasta or use spaghetti squash or shiratake noodles while sauce simmers.

6. Add any meat or seafood you want like shrimp, crab, scallops for a seafood fettuccini or ham, chicken.

7. When pasta is finished, drain thoroughly and mix with sauce.


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