Lunch: Candied Bacon and Fried Eggs

Sweet meets salty in this quick and easy recipe for crispy, crackly Candied Bacon.


3 Tablespoons Turbinado sugar (sugar in the raw)
4 slices bacon
4 eggs
Brioche toast, or other bread, for serving


Heat a large non-stick skillet over medium-low heat. Add the bacon and cook until crispy, making sure to drain and reserve all of the fat drippings. Set the cooked bacon and drippings aside.
Heat a small saucepan over medium-high heat. Add 1/4 cup water and the Turbinado sugar and stir until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture comes to a boil and begins to thicken, about 2 minutes. Add the cooked bacon to the pan, tossing to evenly coat it in the syrup.
Position a drying rack over a sheet pan. Transfer the bacon to the rack and pour any remaining syrup over it. Allow the bacon to cool while you fry the eggs.
Fry the eggs in 1 to 2 tablespoons of the reserved bacon drippings in a pan set over medium heat.
Serve the fried eggs atop toasted brioche with a side of candied bacon.


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