Lunch: Bunny Tail Bonbons Recipe | MyRecipes

Package these white chocolate-cheesecake truffles in clear plastic boxes as a sweet takeaway for guests. Chilled, they'll keep for one week.


1 1/2 (4-oz.) white chocolate baking bars, melted according to package directions
1 (8-oz.) package cream cheese, softened
3/4 cup crushed coconut cookies
1 tablespoon coconut rum or water
1/8 teaspoon kosher salt
Parchment paper
1 1/2 cups shredded coconut


Beat chocolate and cream cheese at medium speed with a heavy-duty electric stand mixer until smooth. Add cookies and next 2 ingredients, beating just until blended. Spread in a parchment paper-lined 9-inch pie plate; cover and chill 2 hours.
Shape into 1-inch balls (about 2 tsp. per ball), and place in a single layer in a parchment paper-lined jelly-roll pan. Cover and chill 12 to 24 hours. Roll balls in coconut; chill 1 hour before serving. Refrigerate in a single layer in a container up to 1 week.
Note: We tested with Baker's Premium White Chocolate Baking Bar and Pepperidge Farm Sweet & Simple Coconut Cookies.


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