Dessert: Blondie Sundaes With Fried Walnuts and Candied Fennel

Recipe by Joshua McFadden and Sara Kramer Sometimes the oddest-sounding things are the most mind-blowing. Case in point: this savory, crunchy, juicy, sugary sundae.


Nonstick vegetable oil spray
1 1/3 cups buckwheat flour
1/3 cup almond flour or meal
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter
3/4 cup sugar
5 large egg yolks
1 large egg


Preheat oven to 325 °F. Lightly coat a 13x9" baking dish with nonstick spray. Whisk buckwheat flour, almond flour, and salt in a medium bowl to combine.
Cook butter in a medium saucepan over medium-low heat, stirring often, until it foams, then browns, 5 –8 minutes. Transfer to a large bowl; let cool slightly. Add sugar and whisk until smooth. Whisking constantly, add egg yolks one at a time followed by whole egg, beating after each addition to fully incorporate before adding more. Add dry ingredients and mix until smooth. Scrape batter into prepared dish; smooth top.
Bake blondies until lightly browned and center is firm when gently pressed, 15 –20 minutes. Transfer dish to a wire rack and let cool. Cut into 16 bars.


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