Lunch: The New Peanut Butter and Jelly

Long a favorite among children, our PB and J, made with a triple dose of apple (apple butter, apple jelly, and fresh apples), will appeal to grown-ups, too.


1/4 c. peanut butter
2 tbsp. apple butter
4 sandwich wraps
2 tbsp. apple jelly
1 apple
8 slice crisp, cooked bacon


Assemble the sandwiches: In a small bowl, use a spoon to mix the peanut butter and apple butter together.
On a clean work surface, lay the wraps and divide the peanut-butter mixture among them, spreading it equally on 1/2 of each wrap. Spread the apple jelly evenly on the other half of each.
Place 4 or 5 slices of apple on the peanut-butter mixture and 2 strips of bacon on top of the apples. Fold the tortillas into wrap sandwiches.


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