Drink: Edison Street Cocktail

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Edison Street Cocktail

Grapefruits are rich in folic acid. One grapefruit will give you 8% of your daily needs of folic acid.


2 ounces bourbon
1/2 ounce malt whisky liqueur, such as Drambuie
2 dashes grapefruit bitters
Absinthe, for rinsing glass
Grapefruit twist, for serving


Mix together the bourbon, liqueur and bitters. Add ice and stir 20 to 30 times. Strain and serve in a chilled absinthe-rinsed rocks glass with a grapefruit twist. A viewer or guest of the show, who may not be a professional cook, provided this recipe. The Food Network Kitchens chefs have not tested this recipe and therefore, we cannot make representation as to the results.


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