Lunch: Fried Rice with Crab

Recipe by /contributors/david-thompson Kao pat Bpuu


1-2 garlic cloves, peeled
large pinch of salt
3 tablespoons oil
1 egg
1 cup cooked jasmine rice
large pinch of ground white pepper
larger pinch of white sugar
2 tablespoons light soy sauce
3 spring (green) onions, cut into 1 cm (1/2 inch) lengths
100g (3 ounces) cooked crabmeat
1 tablespoon coriander leaves


Mince garlic with salt. Heat oil in a wok and fry garlic until fragrant and beginning to colour. Crack in the egg, allowing the white to firm before scrambling. Add rice and turn down the heat. Fry gently, mixing and tossing. Season with pepper, sugar and light soy sauce: the rice should be well seasoned, but not too salty. Add spring onions and, after a moment, the crabmeat, reserving a little to sprinkle over the finished dish, along with coriander.


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