Dinner: Belgian Ale-Braised Brisket

Recipe by /contributors/taylor-boetticher The flat cut of brisket is leaner than the point cut (or deckle) but still has enough fat to keep it juicy. It will hold its shape better as it cooks, and slices neatly.


1 4-pound piece flat-cut beef brisket, untrimmed
Kosher salt
1/4 cup Dijon mustard
1/4 cup (packed) dark brown sugar
1 tablespoon grated peeled ginger
2 tablespoons bacon fat or vegetable oil
2 medium yellow onions, thinly sliced
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 bay leaf
1 750-milliliter bottle Belgian-style tripel ale
4 cups beef stock or low-sodium chicken broth


Season brisket with salt. Wrap tightly in plastic and chill at least 8 hours.
Let brisket sit at room temperature 1 hour.
Preheat oven to 400 °F. Combine mustard, brown sugar, and ginger in a small bowl. Unwrap brisket, place on a wire rack set inside a large rimmed baking sheet, and rub mustard mixture all over brisket. Roast until top is nicely browned, 30 –40 minutes.
Remove brisket from oven and reduce oven temperature to 300 °F.
Meanwhile, heat bacon fat in a large heavy ovenproof pot over medium heat. Add onions; season with salt and cook, stirring often, until deep golden brown, 8 –10 minutes. Reduce heat to medium-low, add flour, and cook, stirring often, until mixture smells nutty, about 4 minutes. Add bay leaf, ale, and stock. Bring to a simmer. Add brisket, cover, and transfer to oven. Braise, turning every 30 minutes, until fork-tender, 3 –4 hours. Discard bay leaf.
Transfer brisket to a cutting board and let rest at least 20 minutes.
If braising liquid is thin, bring to a boil, reduce, and simmer, skimming surface as needed, until thick enough to coat a spoon; season with salt, if needed. Slice brisket against the grain. Serve with braising liquid.
DO AHEAD: Brisket can be braised 2 days ahead. Cover and chill in braising liquid.


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