Lunch: Bacon Old-Fashioned

Recipe by Matt Moore When it comes to bacon, we Southerners are always getting creative. Like, say, adding bacon flavor to bourbon. That’s what gives this traditional cocktail a makeover.


1 sugar cube or 1/2 tsp. granulated sugar
2-3 dashes Angostura bitters
1/4 cup bacon-infused bourbon
Garnishes: bacon strips, orange peel strip, or maraschino cherry


Cook 4 to 5 strips of your favorite hickory-smoked bacon in a skillet. Pour 1 (750-milliliter) bottle of your favorite bourbon and the bacon drippings from skillet into a 4-cup glass measuring cup; let stand at room temperature for 24 hours. Pop the measuring cup into the freezer for a couple of hours. Pull it out, and skim off the bacon fat (it will congeal and separate from the alcohol). Pour the ice-cold bourbon through a cheesecloth-lined strainer into a glass jar to remove any particles. Your bourbon is now flavored with the smoky bacon fat for use in all of your favorite cocktails.
Muddle sugar, bitters, and 1 tsp. water in an old-fashioned glass to release flavors and blend ingredients. Swirl sugar mixture to coat inside of glass. Add 1 large ice cube, and pour bourbon over ice. Serve immediately.


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