Dinner: How to make fried somen noodle 焼きそうめん

★ As for the mushroom I used, it's actually called '' ERINGI'' not enrigi.... I am really sorry. I feel so shame now....because I thought it's enrigi.... haha.... エリンギをエンリギと呼んでしまって申し訳ありません。コメントで教えていただく今まで気づきもしませんでした。本当に恥ずかしいです。 Send your request video file to runnyrunny999@gmail.com   (MOV, wmv,mp4...etc) Ingredients I used (serving 1 ~2) : 50g thinly sliced pork : 50g enokidake : 50g eringi : 4 garlic sprout : 150g somen noodle : sesame oil : green onion Today's customer at RUNNY's https://www.youtube.com/user/OrlaithPL Intro theme song by http://www.youtube.com/katmcdowell Music by AudioNetwork TAM MUSIC FACTORY Thanks - runnyrunny999


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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