Dinner: Pasta Bolognese

A simple minced beef bolognese with fusilli pasta, topped with cheddar cheese.


2 tsps leaves mixed herbs
2 tsps garlic powder
25 g beef gravy granules
1 tbsp worcestershire sauce
150 g mushrooms
1 large onion, diced
400 g chopped tomatoes
15 fl oz boiled water
300 g fusilli pasta
300 g lean ground beef
80 g cheddar cheese, reduced fat


1. For the pasta, add pasta to saucepan of boiling water and simmer until tender.

2. For the bolognese sauce, brown the ground beef, diced onion and chopped mushrooms in another saucepan, stirring until cooked (Don't add any oil or fat as the beef will cook in its own juices).

3. Add can of chopped tomatoes to the beef and then simmer gently to make the bolognese sauce.

4. Stir in a sprinkling of garlic powder and mixed herbs.

5. Add water to the sauce, then stir in 6 heaped teaspoons of beef gravy granules to thicken sauce.

6. To serve, Drain the pasta when tender and return to saucepan. Pour bolognese sauce over the pasta, then stir until mixed in.

7. Serve immediately, topped with a sprinkling of cheddar cheese if desired.

8. Note: for extra flavor, you could also add some worcestershire sauce to the bolognese sauce.


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