Dinner: Cold noodle soup (Mul-naengmyeon: 물냉면)

Korean icy cold noodles (naengmyeon) are one of my favorite things to make all year ‘round, even in the cold winter. I can’t resist the texture of the chewy and thin noodles, no matter if they are served with cold broth (mul-naengmyeon) or in a spicy sauce (bibim-naengmyeon). Especially on hot summer days like these, I really feel my body cools right down after I slurp the cold noodles and drink the leftover cold icy broth. The cold broth is tangy, savory, and a little sweet and the noodles are soft but chewy at the same time. Full recipe: http://www.maangchi.com/recipe/naengmyeon Add a caption in your language here: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?ref=share&v=QIgLSko7Kmc


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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