Chicken Breast as a super food

Skinless chicken breast is an excellent source of the protein, as its contains 21 grams of protein for every 100 grams of breast. Additionally, chicken contains ample amounts of vitamin B6, which serves a vital function in helping to reduce the stressors that cause PCOS. Vitamin B6 help keeps your hormones at balanced levels, which is very helpful for those seeking to stem the flow of excessive testosterone and androgen

Recipes containing Chicken Breast

Calories 0

Calories 0

Green Chile Chicken (Lunch)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

Chicken Carbonara Pasta Bake (Lunch)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo (Lunch)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

Calories 0

Sage Chicken and Potatoes (Lunch)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

How to Make Cashew Chicken (Lunch)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

Calories 0

Slow Cooker Cilantro Lime Chicken (Lunch)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0


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