Spirulina as a super food

Spirulina is a protein rich food, which is high in omega-3 fatty acids and high in iron. Spirulina is also high in B vitamins, including folic acid. Spirulina is high in calcium, and thought to have more than 20 times the amount of calcium that is in milk.

Recipes containing Spirulina

Dark Chocolate Avocado Brownies (Dessert)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

Pineapple Supergreens Cupcakes (Dessert)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0

Green Energy (Drink)

Fat: 0, Protein: 0, Carbs: 0

Calories 0


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