Dinner: Fried Shiso Wrapped Sardines いわしの大葉巻き揚げ 作り方レシピ

http://twitter.com/cookingwithdog http://google.com/ cookingwithdog http://facebook.com/cookingwithdog Ingredients for Fried Shiso Wrapped Sardines (serves 1) 1 Sardine Fillet ½ Umeboshi - Pickled Plum Mayonnaise 4 Shiso Leaves ⅛ Lemon Wedge - Batter - 2 tbsp Any type of Wheat Flour 1 tsp Potato Starch or Corn Starch 2 tbsp Ice Water <材料>1人分 いわし:1尾(4切れにする)(手開きで骨を取り除いたものを準備する) 梅干し:1/2個 マヨネーズ:適量 大葉:4枚 レモン櫛形:1/8個 [衣] 薄力粉:大2 片栗粉:小1 氷水:大2

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:


Health and fertility benefits of Fried Shiso Wrapped Sardines いわしの大葉巻き揚げ 作り方レシピ

Lemons can help to prevent oxidative damage to the body, which women with PCOS are often susceptible to.


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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