Dinner: How to Make Oyster Egg-Drop Donburi 牡蛎の卵とじ丼の作り方

Ingredients for Oyster Egg-Drop Donburi (serves 1) 5~6 Oysters for Cooking 4 tbsp Dashi Stock 1 tbsp Mirin ⅔ tbsp Soy Sauce 1 tsp Ginger Root Juice 40g Naganegi - Long Green Onion (1½ oz) 2 Small Eggs Chopped Mitsuba Parsley Toasted Nori Seaweed 150~200g Steamed Rice (5~7 oz) Shichimi - Seven Flavor Chili Powder <材料>1人分 加熱用かき:5〜6個 出し:大4 みりん:大1 醤油:大2/3 しょうが汁:小1 長ねぎ:40g 卵:小2個 三つ葉:2本(2〜3cm長さ)(1 inch) 焼き海苔:適量 ごはん:150〜200g 七味 . http://facebook.com/cookingwithdog http://google.com/ cookingwithdog http://twitter.com/cookingwithdog


See video for ingredients


See video for instructions


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