Lunch: Tangy Chicken Cacciatore

Slow cooking this classic dish creates a tender chicken leg that is completely infused with Italian herbs and flavors.


1 c. chicken broth
1 can tomato paste
2 1/2 lb. bone-in chicken thighs
2 medium red peppers
12 oz. cremini (baby bella) mushrooms
1 medium onion
2 pickled cherry peppers
2 clove garlic
2 sprig fresh rosemary
Black pepper
Cooked polenta
2 tbsp. capers


In bowl of 7- to 8-quart slow cooker, whisk together broth and tomato paste.
Sprinkle chicken with 1/2 teaspoon each salt and black pepper; transfer to slow cooker bowl along with red peppers, mushrooms, onion, cherry peppers, garlic, and rosemary. Replace lid and cook on low 5 hours or until chicken is cooked through (165 degrees F).
To serve, spoon over polenta. Garnish with capers.


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