Lunch: Irish Grilled Cheese


2 Tablespoons Butter
2 slices Rye Bread
2 Tablespoons Irish Mustard (Dijon Is Fine, Too)
2 ounces, weight Aged Irish Cheddar (I Used Kerrygold)
Small Pickles, For Serving


Melt the butter in a skillet over medium-low heat.
Place the slices of bread in the skillet, allowing it to soak up all the butter. Spread the mustard on both slices, then cut the cheese into thin slices and lay it on the bread. Allow the cheese to melt, then bring the two slices together and check both sides to make sure they’re crisp and golden brown and the cheese is melted.
Transfer the sandwich to a cutting board and slice it in half. Serve it with small pickles while the cheese is hot and gooey.
Use pumpernickel bread or pumpernickel-rye swirl bread for a nice, deep color.
Add tomato slices or thinly sliced corned beef to the sandwich.


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