Dessert: Caramel Madness

Recipe by Jennifer Iserloh In honor of the Girl Scouts' 100th anniversary, Skinny Chef Jennifer Iserloh put a slim spin on their popular Samoa. Ours is lower in fat and calories—Scout's honor!


1/2 cup sweetened coconut
24 reduced-fat Nilla wafers
Parchment paper
12 chewy caramels
1/4 cup skim milk
1 ounce dark or semisweet chocolate chips (3 tablespoons)


Heat oven to 300 °F. On a baking sheet, toast coconut, turning every 5 minutes, until golden, 15 to 20 minutes. Let cool. Cover a cookie sheet with parchment; set wafers on top. In a bowl, microwave caramels and milk on high, stirring often, until smooth, 2 to 3 minutes. With a spatula, fold coconut into caramel mixture. Spread 1 tablespoon mixture onto each wafer. Let cookies cool, 5 minutes. Microwave chocolate, stirring often, until melted, 1 to 2 minutes. Transfer into a small resealable bag; snip off corner. Drizzle cookies with chocolate; let cool.


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