Lunch: Picante Turkey Rolls

Here's a really delicious lunch-box idea that's so much better than a plain turkey sandwich. Picante sauce and avocado pair perfectly with sliced turkey, and it's all rolled up in a flour tortilla. Let the kids help make them —it's fun!


4 flour tortillas
1/4 c. cream cheese
1/2 lb. thinly sliced deli turkey breast
1/2 c. Pace® Picante Sauce
1 large avocado


Spread 1 tablespoon cream cheese on each tortilla to within 1/2 inch of the edge. Top each with about 4 turkey slices, 2 tablespoons picante sauce, and 1/4 cup avocado.
Roll up the tortillas tightly, leaving the ends open. Cut each roll in half. Serve with additional picante sauce for dipping.
To make appetizer rounds: Cut each rolled tortilla into 1/2-inch slices and arrange on a serving platter. Serve with additional picante sauce for dipping. Nutritional Values per Serving using Pace Picante Sauce: Vitamin A 6%DV, Vitamin C 8%DV, Calcium 12%DV, Iron 21%DV


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