Lunch: Chicken and Bacon-Stuffed Crescent Bread

This easy 5-ingredient stuffed crescent bread makes excellent use of ingredients you probably already have in your fridge for a quick dinner or appetizer.


1 can (8 oz) Pillsbury™ refrigerated crescent dough sheet or 1 can (8 oz) Pillsbury™ refrigerated crescent dinner rolls
1 1/2 cups shredded pizza cheese blend (6 oz)
3/4 cup chopped cooked bacon
1/2 cup chopped cooked chicken
1/4 cup ranch dressing


Heat oven to 375 °F. Line large cookie sheet with cooking parchment paper.
If using dough sheet: Unroll dough. Place on cookie sheet. Press to form 14x9-inch rectangle. If using crescent rolls: Unroll dough into 2 long rectangles. Place on cookie sheet. Overlap long sides to form 14x9-inch rectangle. Firmly press edges and perforations to seal.
Sprinkle bottom half of dough with 1/2 cup of the cheese, 1/2 cup of the bacon and the chicken.
Fold dough in half lengthwise to enclose filling, pressing to seal bottom and sides.
Poke all over with fork. Sprinkle with remaining 1 cup cheese.
Bake 19 to 21 minutes or until deep golden brown on edges. Cool 5 minutes. Sprinkle with remaining 1/4 cup bacon. Serve with ranch dressing.


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