Lunch: Bacon-Wrapped Pork Tenderloins

Indulgent and easy to make bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin recipe.


2 1 lb pork tenderloins
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons fresh rosemary, chopped, plus more for garnish
2 slices bacon, thickly sliced
2 cups peanut oil, for deep frying


Heat deep fryer to 350 °. Wrap the bacon around the tenderloins. Drizzle with olive oil, season liberally with salt and pepper and rub with the chopped rosemary.
Heat a large non-stick pan over medium-high heat and sear the wrapped tenderloins to get the bacon fat rendering, about 1-2 minutes.
Carefully drop into the deep fryer, and cook until the internal temperature reaches 145 ° for medium rare, about 5 minutes.
Remove from fryer and let drain on paper towel.
Slice into thin pieces and garnish with rosemary.


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