Lunch: Bacon-Wrapped Pig Wings


Four 1-inch-thick boneless pork chops
12 slices bacon (do not use thick sliced)
Barbecue Rub #67 (recipe follows)
Barbecue sauce, for dipping


Cut each pork chop into three strips. To wrap the "wings," start by overlapping the bacon on one end of a pork strip, then wrapping it up and around in a candy-cane fashion. Secure the bacon at the top with a toothpick. If you need to use a toothpick at both ends, go ahead. Season the bacon-wrapped wings liberally with the rub. Prepare your cooker to cook indirectly at 235 degrees F using medium pecan wood for smoke flavor. Place the wings directly on the cooking grid and cook for 90 minutes, or until the bacon is cooked. You may want to finish these on a hot grill or under the broiler to crisp the bacon. Serve hot with barbecue sauce for dipping.
Barbecue Rub # 67:After a lot of years of making barbecue rubs, I've used up all the good names, so sometimes I just use numbers now. Numbers 67 and 68 are a little tip of the hat to the band named after my hometown, Chicago. This one is a great all-around rub for the new barbecue cook because it's good on just about everything. Combine all the ingredients in a medium bowl and mix well. The rub may be stored in an airtight container in a cool place for up to 6 months. Makes about 1 1/2 cups
Reprinted with permission from Slow Fire: The Beginner's Guide to Lip-Smacking Barbecue by Ray "Dr. BBQ" Lampe, Chronicle Books copyright (c) 2012


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