Lunch: Strawberry Daiquiri Jell-O Shots

Recipe by Lindsay Funston Strawberries as shot glasses = genius.


25 large strawberries
3 oz. box strawberry jello
1 c. water
1 c. rum
Juice of 3 limes
sugar, for rim


Slice off the tops and tips of strawberries (making sure to not create a hole in the bottom!) Using a small melon baller, gently scoop out inside of strawberry, creating a "shot glass." Discard insides.
In a large bowl, whisk together Jello and boiling water until completely dissolved. Add rum and lime juice and whisk to combine.
Carefully pour Jello mixture into strawberries. Refrigerate until firm, 3 to 4 hours.
Dip tops of strawberries in sugar. Serve.


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