Lunch: Steak and Potato Salad Recipe


1/2 cup red wine vinegar
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 beef top sirloin steak (2 pounds)
6 cups cubed cooked potatoes
1 cup diced green pepper
1/3 cup chopped green onions
1/4 cup minced fresh parsley
1/2 cup creamy Caesar salad dressing
Lettuce leaves, optional


In a large resealable plastic bag, combine the vinegar, oil and soy sauce; add steak. Seal bag and turn to coat. Refrigerate for 1 hour or overnight.
Drain and discard marinade. Grill steak over medium heat or broil 3-4 in. from the heat for 8-10 minutes on each side or until meat reaches desired doneness (for medium-rare, a meat thermometer should read 145 °; medium, 160 °; well-done, 170 °).
Slice into thin strips across the grain and place in a large bowl. Add the potatoes, green pepper, onions, parsley and dressing; toss to coat. Serve on lettuce if desired.


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