Lunch: Sweet Potato Skins

Recipe by Woman's Day Kitchen Instead of fat-laden potato skins stuffed with cheese and bacon, try these flavor-packed sweet potatoes that are dusted with Parmesan and cayenne pepper.


8 small sweet potatoes (about 3 lb total)
1/4 c. grated Parmesan (1 oz)
.13 tsp. cayenne pepper
Olive oil cooking spray


Heat oven to 425 ºF. Using a sharp knife, cut off four 1 ⁄4-in.-thick skins from each potato; reserve the centers for another use.
Place the skins on rimmed baking sheets. Bake until tender, 20 to 25 minutes.
Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine the Parmesan and cayenne pepper.
Remove the potato skins from the oven and heat the broiler. Lightly spray the potatoes with olive oil spray and sprinkle with the Parmesan mixture. Broil until golden brown, 4 to 5 minutes.
Instead of the Parmesan and cayenne, sprinkle the potato skins with a little smoked paprika and sea salt, or brown sugar and cumin. Or switch the cheese to Cheddar or asiago.


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