Lunch: Big-Batch Fireball Jell-o Shots

Recipe by Candace Braun Davison Regular or sugar-free Jell-o works with this recipe, and if you're not a fan of cherry, feel free to substitute any flavor of your choice. (If you can't find Fireball, an equal amount of whiskey, bourbon or vodka also work


4 c. boiling water
4 packets Cherry Jell-o (3.4 ounces each)
1 c. Fireball whisky, chilled
1 c. cold water


Bring 4 c. water to a boil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Once it starts really bubbling, pour in the Jell-o packets. Whisk until dissolved. Remove pan from heat.
Add the Fireball whisky and cold water, stirring to combine.
Spray a Bundt pan with nonstick spray. Pour the Jell-o mixture into the Bundt pan.
Refrigerate Jell-o for 4 hours, or until set. Serve by the slice.


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