Snack: Healthy Makeover: Sour Cream and Onion Dip

You'll flip for our dip. This fresh-onion redo of the party favorite has zero MSG and one-tenth the sodium of those traditional flavoring packets. And some store-bought tubs have almost three times the calories and six times the fat. Neither option tastes


1 1/2 c. plain fat-free yogurt
2 tbsp. Extra virgin olive oil
2 medium yellow onions
1/4 tsp. sugar
1/3 c. reduced-fat sour cream
Snipped chives, for garnish


Line medium sieve set over deep bowl with basket-style coffee filter or paper towel. Spoon yogurt into filter; cover and refrigerate 25 minutes. Discard liquid in bowl.
Meanwhile, in 12-inch skillet, heat oil on medium until hot. Add onions, sugar, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper. Cook 15 to 17 minutes or until dark golden brown, stirring onions occasionally.
Line plate with double thickness of paper towels. With slotted spoon, transfer onions to plate to drain further and cool. (Onions will crisp slightly as they cool, and a few pieces may stick to paper towel.)
In medium bowl, combine sour cream, strained yogurt, and onions. Stir well. Cover, and refrigerate at least 1 hour or up to 3 days. (Dip is best when refrigerated for a day; flavors develop more fully.) Garnish with chives and serve with fresh veggie crudités. Nutritional Information for one 2-tablespoon serving.


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